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Andy's Amazing Adventures Magazine
Andy's Amazing Adventures Magazine
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Jahresabonnement: 12 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: Großbritannien
€ 224,95
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Andy's Amazing Adventures Magazine Abo

BBC Andy’s Amazing Adventures Magazine has been developed in collaboration with the BBC Natural History Unit and is perfect for little ones who love dinosaurs and wild wonderful animals. Full of fun and facts, it’s the only children’s magazine in the market that focuses on popular character Andy and his super-secret adventures. Andy, described as ‘the pre-schooler’s David Attenborough’ is highly trusted by parents and the show can help to answer their mini-zoologist’s questions. Children can travel along with their favorite explorer as he jumps into his magic clock to visit the lost world of the dinosaurs or zooms across the globe to meet fabulous creatures. Aimed at a preschool readership of children aged 3-6,

Andy's Amazing Adventures Magazine Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich.

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