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Faeda Food Magazine (English Edition) Faeda Food Magazine (English Edition)
Faeda Food Magazine (English Edition) Faeda Food Magazine (English Edition)
Faeda Food Magazine (English Edition)
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Jahresabonnement: 2 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: Island
€ 79,95
Preis pro Jahr

Faeda Food Magazine (English Edition) Abo

Faeda Food is a biannual bilingual magazine about food and food culture in Iceland. Faeda Food embraces the Icelandic food culture, creative food and looks at things in broad. The publication is for those that are interested in Icelandic culinary traditions. Each issue includes chapters of Taste, Heritage, People, Make, and Enjoy; read all about the characteristics of Icelandic food culture and find traditional recipes for you to try. Faeda Food not only shows readers how to cook but also provides inspiration and shares information about the traditional foods of Iceland.

Faeda Food Magazine (English Edition) Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Ă–sterreich.

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