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Horrible Histories Magazine
Horrible Histories Magazine
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Jahresabonnement: 8 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: GroĂźbritannien
€ 124,95
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Horrible Histories Magazine Abo

Horrible Histories is a monthly magazine based on the popular TV show and series of books, aimed at Primary school aged boys and girls. Anybody born from the 1990s onwards should have fond memories of Horrible Histories in one form or another. The original books by North East writer Terry Deary sold over 25m copies and became a fixture of schools and libraries across the world, whilst the BBC sketch-comedy show won awards and critical acclaim in abundance. Carrying the same feel of other entries in the franchise, the Horrible Histories Magazine is jammed full of the very best and most gruesome facts about some of history's biggest names, places and times. There are also regular puzzles, games and free gifts to keep the fun going even longer. If your young historian has ever wanted to know about Tudor execution rates, the facts behind mummification or how flatulent our previous monarchs were then they can find all the answers within the pages of Horrible Histories.

Horrible Histories Magazine Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Ă–sterreich.

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