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Inside Soap Magazine Inside Soap Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Inside Soap Magazine
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Jahresabonnement: 52 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: GroĂźbritannien
€ 399,95
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Inside Soap Magazine Abo

Inside Soap is Britain’s best-selling, brightest and biggest soap magazine. It is an authority on all best-loved British soaps of all times. Soap stars and soap fans will enjoy this magazine for its inside stories and interviews. Now you can never miss even a single episode. All the inside stories about your favorite stars are right here, from Coronation Street’s Weatherfield to Eastenders’ Albert Square. Get your own copy of TV guide with every issue so you can know about upcoming programs before anyone else does!The secrets revealed in each issue will keep readers excited and shocked. You can now be up-to-date with all the dramatic turns and shocking stories in future episodes. This magazine also has interviews with actors and stars so you can know about their real life stories, their dreams and aspirations. You will realize how different their lives actually are from the roles they portray on TV!

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