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Literary Review Magazine
Literary Review Magazine
1 Bewertungen | Bewertung hinzufügen
Jahresabonnement: 6 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: GroĂźbritannien
€ 84,95
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Literary Review Magazine Abo

In today's world loaded with the latest gadgets and best reality television programs, it may be a little difficult to get a hold of good literary reviews that illuminate the current literary scene while providing background, perspective, and professional viewpoints about classic literature. Literary Review is widely regarded as Britain's most beloved magazine that passionately focuses on everything related to the literature world. It is not only highly informative about the newest authors, biggest best sellers, and new information about old classics, this magazine is as entertaining as any literature magazine can be, containing fun awards such as the Bad Sex in Fiction Award and the Auberon Waugh's editorship. Considered to also contain smart and witty writing, Literary Review was constructed with the fine art of literature in mind, while adhering to the loves and desires of anybody who has a passion for this timeless art.

Literary Review Magazine Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Ă–sterreich.

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Bewertung hinzufügen
Yuri - 03-09-2023 02:21

Echt eine gute Zeitschrift. Sehr interessant und mit hervorragendem Englischen geschrieben.