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Domus Magazine (English Edition)
Domus Magazine (English Edition)
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Jahresabonnement: 12 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: Italien
€ 199,95
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Domus Magazine (English Edition) Abo

Domus is the magazine to read if you want to be acquainted with all things new and old in architecture. You might want to know what a Doric column is or what a capital on a pillar means. Or you probably just need a companion guide on your next travel to Rome and Athens. Domus satisfies all these desires and so much more because it publishes features and articles that come from the most reputed minds and provides opinions that any architecture student would love to know more about. Apart from the brilliant subscription schemes available, it is equipped with the best content on architecture and many learner articles that keep in mind the reader’s comfort level with architecture. It also has wonderful pictures which not only stun and gain admiration but also provide all the various angles on the building that you are required to see as a student. Not just this, it has quizzes on various topics it has covered which can help you consolidate your knowledge base. This magazine is targeted at people of every age group who find art and architecture interesting.

Domus Magazine (English Edition) Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Ă–sterreich.

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