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Hello Kitty Magazine
Hello Kitty Magazine
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Jahresabonnement: 12 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: GroĂźbritannien
€ 214,95
Preis pro Jahr

Hello Kitty Magazine Abo

As a major international sensation and loved by girls, pre-teens, woman, and anyone who adores all things the that are cute, it is no surprise that Hello Kitty has captured the hearts and imaginations of countless people across the world. It seems as if almost everybody has either heard of or is a fan of Hello Kitty, and in many countries around the world there is a cute and delicate touch of the Hello Kitty sensation. It is specifically targeted for younger girls; however, pre-teens, teenagers, and even adult women have all proclaimed their love and adoration for this sassy, cool, and cute kitty with her popular magazine that screams out style, class, attitude, and especially, fun. Each and every issue of this monthly magazine also comes with an exclusively fabulous gift as well, which serve as not only fun toys but also as collectible items that readers can get issue after issue. In addition to the fun gift, each magazine also contains cool and exciting posters that can really help enlighten and intrigue every Hello Kitty fan.

Hello Kitty Magazine Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Ă–sterreich.

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