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Living Blues Magazine Living Blues Magazine
Living Blues Magazine Living Blues Magazine
Living Blues Magazine
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Jahresabonnement: 6 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: Vereinigte Staaten
€ 84,95
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Living Blues Magazine Abo

For forty years, Living Blues, America's first blues magazine, has provided fans with insightful, in-depth stories and interviews with such legendary blues artists as Muddy Waters, B. B. King, Etta James and Buddy Guy. This bi-monthly publication is entirely devoted to African American Blues music and everything that comes with it. It features articles on the history of Blues and old photographs. Living Blues is printed in the USA and is filled with great news and events sections as well as fascinating interviews and in-depth overviews of the best old and new musicians and bands around. There are also very extensive review sections which offer an honest look at the best new music in the industry.

Living Blues Magazine Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Ă–sterreich.

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