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Vegan Life Magazine
Vegan Life Magazine
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Does a lifestyle aimed at compassion and ethical treatment of animals and the environment appeal to you? Sustainability and environmental concerns are become more important as we continue to expand our understanding of how human activity affects the environment. This is the very self-conscious lifestyle that Veganism is helping to foster and Vegan Life magazine is the UK's best selling vegan cookery and lifestyle mag. More often than not, those who choose to limit their diet for ethical reasoning whether one is a vegetarian or a vegan, it is culturally viewed as giving up on the pleasures of life. Vegan Life aims to show that this is absolutely not true and that moving oneself down a more sustainable path for the worlds future is more fulfilling than simply one of consumption. In each issue delicious plant-based recipes on everything from starters to deserts for both personal and group meals are included as well as including insightful articles from featured vegans on the vegan lifestyle.

Vegan Life Magazine Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Ă–sterreich.

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