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Flight Journal
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Jahresabonnement: 6 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: Vereinigte Staaten
€ 99,95
Preis pro Jahr

Flight Journal Abo

This is a true aviation magazine which covers the world of flight from the beginning to its high tech future. With this magazine, readers get into the cockpit and learn about aviation experiences, thrills and adventure with high gloss photography and amazing stories. It offers gripping accounts of flights and combat missions to put reader in the cockpit with all involved: pilots, engineers, gunners and eye-witnesses. Covering the world of aviation from its simple beginnings to its high-tech, no-holds-barred future. You can see aviation history through the eyes of those who made it. This magazine is like no others in the world, it covers the world of aviation from its simple beginnings to it no-holds-barred future. With amazing photojournalism, Flight Journal captures what it’s like to pilot aircraft that inspires fear and awe, from the historic P-51 Mustang to today’s stealth fighters.

Flight Journal Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Ă–sterreich.

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