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National Geographic Collector's Edition Magazine
National Geographic Collector's Edition Magazine
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Jahresabonnement: 12 Ausgaben | Sprache: Englisch | Land: Großbritannien
€ 234,95
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National Geographic Collector's Edition Magazine Abo

A special edition of the world leading National Geographic, National Geographic Collector’s Edition magazine brings you an incredibly well informed and in-depth look at a particular subject. Each issue of this high-quality publication – they say ‘Collectors’, and trust us, you will want to collect these – brings you an in-depth examination of a particular topic, such as the ocean, or a comprehensive list covering a certain subject, such the 100 greatest scientific discoveries. This means that rather than an article or two tucked away in the magazine, the high-quality journalism f National Geographic is allowed the space to properly explore it’s subject matter, making National Geographic Collector’s Edition education, informative and entertaining, a winning combination.

National Geographic Collector's Edition Magazine Kaufen in Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich.

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